Photoshop Quick Interface Tips
Photoshop Quick Interface Tips Adobe Photoshop is an omnipotent tool that is able to manipulate and crate images that fascinate us. From adjusting color in a photo to the creation of awesome graphics this tool is useful for almost anyone with a computer.
The only drawback is that learning how to use Photoshop can take time – and that includes time to simply play with the tools of the system. This article will focus on some quick tips for using the Interface.
In the Application Window you will the “Zoom Field” at the bottom left of the document. You can enter an exact zoom level – to do so simply enter the value and the hit “Shift + Enter”. To check the status Display Options choose the option from the pop-up menu. Double-clicking on the background (the gray application background) is the same as using ‘File>>Open’.
To change the font size go to ‘Edit>>General Preferences’. High resolution displays increased UI Font Size.
Quick Tip: You can select the “Document Profile” from the status bar menu to display the color-space for each document.
You can change the color of the canvas border and switch between four available screen modes in the “Document Window”. To mark a document as copyrighted choose ‘Files>>File Information – Change Copyright Status to Copyrighted’.
Quick Tip: To display a document’s full path simply pause the mouse over the document window’s toolbar.
After making changes to the panels you may find that you want to reset things back to default. Simply select the ‘Default Workspace’ from the Workspace drop-down menu.
Quick Tip: The ‘Tab key” will hide all panels and ‘Shift + Tab’ will hide all but the ‘Tools Panel’.
Quick Tip: When dragging panels hold down the ‘Ctrl/Cmd key’, this will prevent the panels from snapping to the edge of the screen.
Quick Tip: Panels can be stacked by dragging one onto the bottom of another.
The ‘Swatches Panel” is used to create a custom swatch and the ‘History Panel” allows you create a duplicate image from a selected image.
By getting acquainted with the many features of your Adobe Photoshop you will feel more confident in your ability to create great graphics. Check out the awesome tutorials available that can guide you step-by-step in the learning process.